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My Story

I believe that at the center of who we all are is LOVE,

that we are all inherently good and want the best for ourselves and each other.

It is through life's progression that we take in beliefs, listen to judgment, lean into expectations and make assumptions that cloud our knowing.  We become overwhelmed, frustrated, and confused preventing us from making changes and taking action. We give in to our inner critic and allow it to rule over our thoughts and emotions. Leaving us feeling helpless, limited, and often feeling isolated. 

I was no different. 

At a very young age, I was able to intuitively pick up on people's emotions and energy meaning, people's unhappiness, frustration, stress, anxiety, and disappointment. I had this sense of knowing, and I wanted nothing more than to remove people's pain and help them make the connection to what was leading them there.

I often questioned my knowledge and overtime began to feel very doubtful about it because those I would share it with would dismiss my knowing and resist what I was sharing. Over time I pushed this gift aside and focused entirely on what was expected of me. I went off to school, worked, and got married.  A few years later started my family, life was good. My focus then became growing my career, caring for my family, and running my household.


Twenty-five years of feeling like I didn't fit in and running a thousand miles an hour I once again intuitively received a calling to go back to the drawing board. My career was booming, and I was finally making the six-figure income I felt I deserved. I was succeeding, but yet I felt incomplete and as if something was missing.  My initial thought was to venture into an MSW program, as I navigated that path, I was presented with COACHING, bare in mind, that's at that time labels, titles, and those kinds of things meant a lot to me, so I was very reluctant to go that route, nonetheless, I did and I am grateful I did.


Coaching validated so much for me within hours. It gave me the language and reasoning that I only understood in my mind. It provided me with the understanding that what I seem to know intuitively actually had been written in philosophy, psychology, and NPL books. It became undeniable to me that it was time for a significant shift in my direction. I was excited to go out and start putting it all into practice, but first I had some unfinished business to overcome.


In my studies towards certification, I received a calling, another one of those knowings that I knew I could not ignore, reluctantly I answered the push to get trained as a Reiki Master. This calling was tapping into one of the highlights of my work. This practice allowed me to connect spiritually in ways that I had not experienced in the past.  It is difficult to put into words something that the rational mind can't explain, so I won't even attempt, what I can tell you is that my body becomes a vessel for what needs to shift and be released.  That release typically shows up in the form of messages, emotional releases, peace, and relaxation during the session. 


After spending 40 years dancing around spirituality, empowerment, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, I finally stopped being afraid to do what felt right to me, regardless of beliefs, conditioning, judgment, and other's acceptance or lack thereof, this, is the whole me. 

The Integration of the whole you; Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual.

My Mission

My life's mission is to help raise the collective consciousness of our planet by assisting women and men to step out of fear, self-doubt, and mistrust so they may reap the benefits of what it is to embody love and be loved. Lily is a fellow traveler and seeker of truth. She has 20 years of experience in Healthcare with a B.S. in Healthcare Administration, certifications in LEAN Management and Six Sigma.  Her own healing journey has brought her into holistic modalities after traditional therapy did not get her to the core of her healing.  Since, Lily has become a certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, EFT practitioner, and Crystal Quartz Sound Meditation practitioner. Lily's most recent training has provided her with the achievement of Brennan Healing Science Practitioner after her 4-year completion of a Diploma program developed by physicist and former NASA researcher, Barbara Ann Brennan. Based on a highly developed conceptual and philosophical framework, it combines hands-on healing techniques with spiritual and psychological processes. Lily combines all of these modalities to do her life's work. 

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