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Reiki Healing

Energy Healing
Hands-on Healing & Remote Healing

Brennan Healing Science (BHS) is an energy healing modality pioneered by Barbara Brennan, physicist and former NASA researcher. Based on a highly developed conceptual and philosophical framework, it combines hands-on healing techniques with spiritual and psychological processes.


Brennan Healing Science practitioners work with the “energy consciousness system,” which includes the physical body, the chakras, the various levels of the aura, the dimension of hara/intention, and the core star/spark of the divine.


Brennan Healing Science Practitioners help clients clear energy blocks and unhealthy patterns, find their divine potential, and connect to their innate divine qualities.


The work also aims to promote physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being.




Brennan Healing Science® is an enlightening system of healing that combines hands-on healing techniques with spiritual and psychological processes touching every aspect of your life. Based on the living dynamics of our Human Energy-Consciousness System and its relationship to the greater world of which we all are intimately a part, Brennan Healing Science can transform your life into the balanced, enlightened experience of mystery that you have always wanted it to be. Brennan Healing Science focuses on the four dimensions of humankind, which Barbara Ann Brennan describes in her books Hands of Light and Light Emerging. 


Through Brennan Healing Science, you will: 


• Learn your unique life purpose
• Develop hara, the intention and ability to accomplish life goals
• Establish deep connection with inner spiritual guidance and fulfill your heart's true longings
• Promote physical healing of many disease conditions
• Restore a sense of well-being and emotional stability
• Clear and strengthen mental capabilities
• Learn the creative process from your Divine Core through the Hara and Aura into the physical world




The Human Energy Field is the manifestation of the universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation and is usually called the "aura."

The auric field is a quantum leap deeper into our personality than is our physical body. It is at this level of our being that our psychological processes take place. The Human Energy Field is the vehicle for all psychosomatic reactions.

The physical body arises out of the energy field, thus an imbalance or distortion in this field will eventually cause a disease in the physical body that it governs. Therefore, healing distortions in the field will bring about healing in the physical body.

The Human Energy Field is composed of an infinite number of levels. We focus primarily on the seven lower levels throughout the four-year course of study in Brennan Healing Science. Each level penetrates through the body and extends outward from the skin. Each successive level is of a "higher frequency" or a "higher octave." Each extends out from the skin several inches farther than the one within it of lower frequency. The odd-numbered levels are structured fields of standing, scintillating light beams. The first, third, fifth, and seventh levels of this field are structured in a specific form. The even-numbered levels—the second, fourth, and sixth—are filled with formless substance/energy.


  • Increased overall state of well-being and health

  • Decrease both acute and chronic pain

  • Induces relaxation response

  • Facilitates wound and burn healing

  • Decreases recovery time from acute illness

  • Diminishes symptoms of chronic illness

  • Supports and facilitates other therapies and treatment

  • Decreases side effects from chemo and radiation therapy

  • Assist in stabilizing patient with a critical injury or illness

  • Increased sense of well-being or feeling lighter

  • Heightened clarity and focus

  • Balancing of the body systems resulting in a feeling of being grounded in the physical body

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • A sense of safety to express feelings and thoughts

  • Renewed sense of self-acceptance and opening to personal power

  • Reduced stress and increased pleasure

  • Healing and transformation of relationships

What to expect

Typically the BHS Practitioner will spend the first thirty minutes talking with you and learning about what you would like help with. If it is your first session, this amount of time may be longer. During the conversation, he or she is actively listening and observing the energy patterns of the moment while inviting the Highest Good into the session.

During the interview process, the practitioner will ask you questions about your health. While BHS Practitioners are not doctors and therefore do not diagnose illness or prescribe drugs, it is important that you share your health history with the practitioner. In doing so, the practitioner will know how to work with your energy system and which techniques to apply.


Once the discussion is complete, you will lie down on a massage table, fully clothed and, if necessary, supported by a bolster. You may also be covered by a blanket. Typically a BHS Practitioner will first give you a chelation which starts at the feet and ends at the head. A chelation is an energy healing technique that clears, charges and balances the energy field and chakras. Even though BHS is hands on healing, it differs from massage therapy in that the practitioner’s touch is light. The practitioner may work with your energy without having his or her hands on your body. During the chelation, the BHS Practitioner stays connected to the earth, self, Spirit and you; working with his or her own energy field to facilitate change in your energy field. Energy is transmitted to you through focus, intention, and attention. Once the chelation is complete, the practitioner may use various techniques, learned through years of training at BBHS, until the completion of the healing. These techniques include restructuring chakras, working with energetic relationship cords and many others.


The BHS Practitioner may also give you a hara and Core Star healing. During this type of healing you would also be laying the table and fully clothed. Hara is often referenced in martial arts as the center of being. Hara is where we hold our intentions, life purpose, and life task. At the Brennan School of Healing, practitioners learn how to work with hara and Core Star. Hara is an energetic line that connects you to the earth and the heavens. Core Star is your Divine essence or your unique qualities that nobody else has in the same way as you. Healing hara and Core Star can result in a feeling of purpose, acceptance and a knowing of Divinity on a deep level. BHS Practitioners are skilled in working with hara and Core Star and actively engage these dimensions during healings.


During the session, your job is to receive and relax as much as possible. Each person’s experience during the session is unique and will differ. Some people find it helpful to pay attention to the breath. Others will fall asleep or enter into a half sleep or alpha state of relaxation. A wide range of emotions may arise. Often people find the healings to be very relaxing and experience a floating sensation.


Blocked energy is released, allowing you to have a fuller and more comprehensive sense of self. The relationship between you and your healer is transformative and awakens the interconnection between mind, body, and soul. This relationship may take time to build. We encourage you to soften into transformation and allow the organic process of healing to unfold.


Sessions typically last ninty minutes. After the session is complete, the healer will spend a short amount time with you. While it is understandable that you might have questions after a healing, generally, it is advisable to keep the conversation to a minimum so that the healing can be fully held and integrated. Questions may be asked at a later time or at the next session. It is not uncommon to have vivid dreams the evening of the healing or in subsequent days.

If you’d like more information about our healing sessions, get in touch today.

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